Join the Group

Hydroclim group welcomes inquiries from potential PhD students, project staff, summer interns and postdoctoral researchers. We are a diverse and dynamic group of researchers who are very enthusiastic about new ideas, collaborations, and occasional parties! Feel free to write to the group lead at

PhD opportunities

The group typically intakes PhD students through IISc admissions ( twice in a year. If you are interested in the group and eligible to apply, select ‘ICWaR’ as one of your choices in the admission portal; and, wait for the interview call. There is no other way to apply for a PhD position in the group.

Project Staff opportunities

We are currently looking for a project associate in our group. Details can be find here.

Postdoc opportunities

Postdocs in the group are primarily funded through the Raman postdoctoral fellowship ( If you are interested, please send your CV and cover letter.

Summer internships

Interested in summer internships? Current undergraduate and postgraduate students can email their CV, cover letter and a letter of recommendation.